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The Ballet

Hello my vintage lovelies! Today I will be talking about one of my favorite things, the ballet.

I love ballet for all of the reasons that I love vintage, its sophistication, its grace, its elegance, and its classiness. Both me and my sister took ballet lessons as soon as we were old enough. It wasn't for me, and I dropped out when I was 12, but my sister found it to be a passion of hers and went all the way up until she graduated, and even now, she still practices as a hobby. I can see the way that ballet has affected her everyday life. She moves gracefully, has perfect posture, never slumps, and walks light on her feet. All of this is by habit.

She reminds me of an old Hollywood starlet. They had such discipline when it came to grace and poise. Actually, I was surprised by how many of the old Hollywood starlets started out with ballet. Audrey Hepburn, for example, and Doris Day, not to mention all of the Hollywood dancers. Natural grace is something I always aspire to, but never seem to achieve. I sound like I'm stomping when I walk, and I rarely sit without slumping. But the ballet always remotivates me to be as graceful as I am capable of being.

Here are some tips for incorporating the ballet into your everyday life:

1. Pink. It's as simple as that. That lovely peachy pink always makes me think of light and airy tutus and my sister's pointe shoes. It's also an extremely flattering color that looks good on almost everyone.

2. Listen to classical music. Listening to Tchaicovsky always makes me feel high class.

3. Decorate with it. Go tacky or classy, but a ballerina is pretty wherever she is. My sister is a master at this. Take a look at what she did on the wall of her room:

Whenever she found a record with a ballerina on it, she put it in a record frame and hung it up.

4. Watch it, of course! I know for sure in TN that one can find a free quality ballet performance quite easily. Recently, the Nashville Ballet did Peter Pan for free at the Nashville Library. And if all else fails, youtube is the way to go.

I leave you, today, with my favorite clip from a movie that I watched many many times when I was little.

I hope my post has made your day a little brighter, thank you and God bless!

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